Is life passing you by? Do you feel like you don’t know who you are or where you are going? Perhaps it’s time to find out what you want from life and make it happen… you’ll come away with a plan to supercharge your life, inspired and empowered to make your dreams and goals a reality.
Discover your Tigress
Are you lacking enthusiasm, motivation and a zest for life? This session will inspire and show you how to get your mojo back (or find it) so that you can begin designing a life full of passion and joy.
Health & Wellbeing
Do you feel healthy and energetic? You’re going to need lots of energy to put your new life into action. This session will get you listening to your body and cultivating new habits so you can look and feel the best version of yourself that’s possible.
Universal Laws
Whether you believe in vibrating energy, chakra’s and the Law of Attraction or not, there are Universal Laws that govern our place on earth. The sooner you understand and recognise these the sooner you can harness their power to improve your life.
Are you living a life of abundance or constantly worrying about bills and money? You have the power to improve your finances whatever your situation – this session will show you how to take control so that you can set and achieve your financial goals.
Love, Confidence and Self-esteem
Do you love yourself? What do you project out into the world? This session will explore self-love and how to improve your confidence and self-esteem so that you can discover and project that uber version of yourself that you’ve always imagined
Joy, Purpose and Passion
What makes you tick? Are you doing a job that fills you with dread every Monday morning or leaves you feeling you fulfilled? Joy and passion are inextricably linked – if you find your purpose and passion, joy will follow. This session will explore how you find your purpose and passion so that ultimate joy and happiness will follow.
Spirituality & Success
This session will explore spirituality, karma and its power to enhance your life not just now but in the future. It will illustrate how living a life in tandem with the spiritual laws of the Universe and your infinite self is the key to lifelong peace, happiness and success.